All data are based on figure of internal online-ordering records.
Brand Preference : Each data of number of accumulated sales, vendor purchased, item sales and new item will be put together and ranked. (Counting based on 1st of every month)
Accumulated sales : Number of accumulated sales of the brand. (January. 2015- Count)
Vendor who’s purchased : Number of vendor who’s purchased. (January. 2015- Count)
Sales item : The Figure includes the brand on sale and brand product’s option. January. 2015- Count)
New items : Number of the brand’s new item which is registered in 60 days.
Brand story 세컨드맨션
여러분의 일상, 생각을 공유하고 꿈을 향해 나아가는데 든든한 친구가 되어 봄을 선사하고 싶은 Creative 문구, 생활 소품디자인 회사입니다.
‘Colorful & Simple’을 모토로 사랑스럽고 세련된 제품으로 많은 분들의 감성에 다가갈 것이며, 어떤 디자인을 원하는지, 무슨 제품을 필필요하실지 항상 고민하겠습니다.