All data are based on figure of internal online-ordering records.
Brand Preference : Each data of number of accumulated sales, vendor purchased, item sales and new item will be put together and ranked. (Counting based on 1st of every month)
Accumulated sales : Number of accumulated sales of the brand. (January. 2015- Count)
Vendor who’s purchased : Number of vendor who’s purchased. (January. 2015- Count)
Sales item : The Figure includes the brand on sale and brand product’s option. January. 2015- Count)
New items : Number of the brand’s new item which is registered in 60 days.
Brand story 아이코닉
아이코닉은 사전적 의미로 형상화를 뜻합니다. 우리의 라이프스타일을 고스란히 담아내고 겉으로 드러나기 힘든 무형의 가치들을 제품 하나하나에 표현하여 사용자에게 돌려드리고자 합니다.