All data are based on figure of internal online-ordering records.
Brand Preference : Each data of number of accumulated sales, vendor purchased, item sales and new item will be put together and ranked. (Counting based on 1st of every month)
Accumulated sales : Number of accumulated sales of the brand. (January. 2015- Count)
Vendor who’s purchased : Number of vendor who’s purchased. (January. 2015- Count)
Sales item : The Figure includes the brand on sale and brand product’s option. January. 2015- Count)
New items : Number of the brand’s new item which is registered in 60 days.
Brand story 포켓몬스터
포켓몬스터(ポケットモンスター), 줄여서 포켓몬(ポケモン) 게임시리즈인 포켓몬은 TV애니메이션으로 인기방영되었다. 피카츄, 파이리, 꼬부기 등 시즌마다 나오는 캐릭터로 인형과 완구등이 있다.