All data are based on figure of internal online-ordering records.
Brand Preference : Each data of number of accumulated sales, vendor purchased, item sales and new item will be put together and ranked. (Counting based on 1st of every month)
Accumulated sales : Number of accumulated sales of the brand. (January. 2015- Count)
Vendor who’s purchased : Number of vendor who’s purchased. (January. 2015- Count)
Sales item : The Figure includes the brand on sale and brand product’s option. January. 2015- Count)
New items : Number of the brand’s new item which is registered in 60 days.
Brand story 필박스
일본 San-X의 리락쿠마를 비롯하여, 포켓몬스터, 짱구, 어몽어스, 캐치 티니핑, 엘오엘, 라인프렌즈, 코카콜라, 스폰지밥, 앵그리버드등의 라이센스를 보유하였고, 디자인 연구소를 개설하여 자체 캐릭터인 마카롱, 단바리 등을 개발하였으며 틴류, 지제류, 필기류, 학용품류, 봉제류등 다양한 종류의 제품을 개발하고 있습니다.